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A well-designed logo is important in several ways. Graphic materials, conventional means of advertising, media in digital spaces, among others.

Types of logo

There are four general categories of logos: textual, illustrated, symbolic, and a combination of these three.

Textual logos use recognizable words that appear in unique fonts, shapes and sizes. Example: Walt Disney.

Illustrated logos consist of a drawing used as a logo. Example: Pepsi’s red, white and blue circle.

Symbolic logos tend to be abstract in design and can work well internationally. Example: The Nike symbol.

Finally, mixed logos are those that include elements from the three previous types. Example: Post Office Logo.

Você sabe o que é Branding? E qual a importância para sua empresa?

To help you know the importance of this symbol in your company, the main benefits that a logo can bring:

1 – Credibility

Logically plan a simple and direct logo, where your company’s message is explicit, ideally for your customers/users to remember your services or products when they see it anywhere. It is obvious that depending on the experience they (customers) had in your company, it will be a good or bad memory.

A company that has credibility attracts new customers and grows without difficulties in the market.

2 – Professionalism

A company without a logo does not pass credibility. Therefore, a well-designed logo shows the main values of the company, so the customer understands everything your business has to offer.

Logomarca bem planejada
Logomarca bem planejada

Por que devo reformular meu site e id.visual

3 – Communication

A well-planned logo awakens feelings and impressions in your audience, such as: curiosity, happiness, urgency, among others. Communicating with your customers brings benefits both to them and to the company, and these benefits must be treated with due importance.

4 – Identity

A well-thought-out logo can portray your company’s identity and differential. It is necessary to study and develop a logo consistent with your enterprise, what cannot be done is to neglect this symbol that can be converted into sales and appreciation of our service.



Jorge Cruz

Frontend | React JS | React Native | WordPress | Wine lover, Runner and proud to be Carioca. Not necessarily in that order.